Big Long Man's Corn Patch: from North American Legends, edited by Virginia Haviland, illustrated by Ann Strugnell, tribe is not identifiable, although a hogan is mntioned, which suggests Navajo.
TRADITIONAL WISDOM STORIES WORLDWIDE -- submitted by schoolchildrn, sought by Austrialian educational publisher for website. Teachers of students can submit them by Email. They will be added to the Heinemann web project section. Several Native stories submittd have been linked-to here. Others include stories from Australian aboriginal peoples, and European stories.
Tales of Wonder Traditional children's stories worldwide: Russia, Japan, Scotland, Europe. Native American at bottom of the menupage has a dozen from Native American Legends, Philomel Books, 1979.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts - World Mythology: Myth by Images -- art museum has put together an interesting on-line mini-course that includes Native mythologies with many other culture areas of the world.
Mythology and Folklore -- a huge website that has links to zillions of websites dealing with myths, legnds, or folklore from hundreds of countries and cultures