How the Worm Pipe Came to the Blackfoot A Scarface Story told to anthropologist George Bird Grinnell sometime before he published it in 1900. See University of Nebreska Press booknote of a Blackfoot myths collection edited by Clark Wissler, originally published in 1908.
The End of the World: Lakota story told by Jenny Leading Cloud (White River, Rosebud reservation, SD) to Richard Erdoes in 1967. Typed from Erdoes and Ortiz, American Indian Myths and Legends (see Book Review.
3 legends from Erdoes and Ortiz: The Legend of the Flutes, Brule Sioux, (as told to Erdoes in 1967 by Henry Crow Dog who visited him in New York); Why Mole Lives Underground (included by Erdoes from an 1890 Cherokee collection by James Mooney); A Legend of Multnomah Falls, (copped by Erdoes from Ella Clark, Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies, 1966.) All are from Erdoes' tales of love and lust section.