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![]() There are over 300 web pages here. MainMenu leads to menus of independent topical sections. Page navigation buttons will always return you here. Down for revisions: TOOLS. |
NATIVE MAPS -- from environmental threats to native Nations to GIS maps that "window" Native info where it's at. Pre-contact Native North American -- links to many informative essays. Active State maps for reservations in MN, WI, MI, CA, AK (whew!), ND, SD, NY, AZ (linked-to AZ is historical background of Navajo-Hopi Black Mountain land dispute and page of links on this dispute), NM. New: WA, OR; Canada treatymaps; Canadian Bands-by-provinces, contact info; Material culture maps; Pre-contact housing. | |
AADIZOOKAANAG IDASH DIBAAJIMOWINAN: Stories Menu -- True stories by Native authors from many tribes for InterNet. Norma Jean Croy (prisoner for 20 years) and Leonard Peltier (19 years) have stories here; so do the Little People. Myths and legends -- with tellers and sources.Picture stories; Author bios; Cinderella feature; E-texts; Language learning resources, word for computer. Items below are all menus.
ART MENU -- American, Canadian Native artists; galleries, honors, museums, pottery, clothing, posters, photography. Special Big Art and Culture Sections -- big, with their own menus.
Shop at our online iTunes shop! We now have tracks from the albums of more than 75 Native recording artists available. Also available are Cherokee stories told by Gregg Howard! |
NATIVE ASTRONOMY -- Lakota sacred constellations; ancient northern Plains stone Medicine Wheels; sun and seasons; naked-eye stargazing; Crab nebula supernova petroglyphs; classroom resources; starmaps NATIVE SCIENCE-Related. STARS bookshelf. |
NATIVE HERBAL KNOWLEDGE, plants for food, teas, medicines. Use explained; field ID photos and botanic info, multi-tribal uses, phytochemical analysis, ethnobotany dastabase research tools, [48 pages] NATIVE SCIENCE-Related. PLANTS bookshelf, order them on-line.
NATIVE BOOKS -- Hundreds of reviews (children's, middle school, YA, Adult; References; math-science, art-craft; AV-aids; features, sources. Indian viewpoints. Sources for hard-to-find books by Indian authors. Essentially an independent (and large) site though running on the same server.
Shop at our online calendar & poster store! We have selected a great group of posters with images of Notable Native Americans, creations of many Native American artists, portraits made by Edward Curtis, and a large selection of other images and calendars. |
NATIVE SCHOOLS ON-LINE -- School, college web pages; native students/teachers seeking keypals; Native Student Honors, contests. Visibility, organization improved recently. Some new schools added.
Native NATIONS Official tribal sites above the line, sites about a tribe but unofficial below it. All U.S. and Canadian Nations (if known) are here.
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GAMES AND EDUTAINMENTS -- for young and older kids. Special efforts to find any Indian edutainments on the web -- there are a few!
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MAYA MENU -- Many links; Maya science teaching materials; numbers & vocab; maps; folktales; art; Quiche Maya Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchu and modern Mayan peoples in Mexico and central America. Link to new Menchu Foundation site -- many of her recent speeches [12 pgs] | |
ARVOL LOOKING HORSE's Pages -- Solstice World Peace Ceremony, White Buffalo Story, Historical info, Dakota and Lakota peoples. [7 pgs] | |
POCAHONTAS -- Many Indian viewpoints, on the Disney film, on Pocahontas's descendants, on several pre-Disney children's books. |
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Certain text and images are copyrighted to individual authors (bylined), artists (cited) or publishers (cited). CREDITS AND COPYRIGHTS AND THEFTS: Images from other sites -- which are reductions or crops or color adustments of artworks or scanned from books -- are always fully credited in a credits line at the bottom of each page. Icons, logos, and background tiles are all original here. If you see any of these on any other sites, especially those that offer 'free downloadables', please notify the webmaster (and me) that he has stolen -- perhaps inadvertantly if he got it from one of these so-called public service freebies outfits -- a COPYRIGHTED image. Permission will not ordinarily be granted to anyone to use these, so if you see anything from here elsewhere, tell that webnmaster and tell me about it too. |
Last updated: 6/11/97