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The dominant society requires its youth to study their cultural heritage and origins in Europe and the Mediterranean. For Native American youth, a study of the great civilizations of the Western Hemisphere is appropriate. The Maya are not gone--Chiapas Maya in Mexico have been much in the news, and more than 10,000 Guatemalan Mayan refugees from the terror live in the U.S., while the war there against indigenous people goes on . Much of the study of their past civilization focuses on their sciences and mathematics, for a long time all that could be deciphered of their jungle-choked stone cities. Recently, the glyphs of the stone-recorded language, together with the Pop Wuj book written by desperate Mayas in the 16 century to preserve their culture under the Spanish onslaught, and oral histories of elders, have begun to yield a human history, as well as the ancient sciences. Links you've visited once will turn brown.
In addition to the many remote links described on the LinksPage, this Maya Menu Page has links to "Maya Content" pages residing here:![]() Rigoberta Menchu Tum: Interview with 1992 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Mayan refugee woman from Guatemala. Websites with relevant human rights info on the Guatemalan and Chiapas (Mexico) Mayan situations are linked-to on her page. |
![]() Culture: Traditional Stories, Modern Mayan Novel, | |
![]() Language: Mayan pronunciation, everyday language phrases | |
![]() Numbers: Mayan Base-20 number glyphs and words | |
![]() MAPS, info on ancient City Sites; on rainforest environment; links to other sites with Maya maps. | |
![]() Curriculum: Videodisk Science-social studies for Middle School | |
![]() Maya LINKS -- to over 100 Mayan websites | |
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CREDITS: The Maya sculpture was scanned years ago from various archaeology books I neglected to record. I traced it in FreeHand, simplified the backgrounds, and turned them into "stone cartoons." The seated Maya gloating over his apprehensive captive parrot needed only a few changes to make these characters come alive. The stone cartouche page logo--a Maya looking aghast at his parrot at the beginning of this page--was plain stonework, colored by me. But the Maya did do elaborate inlays or mosaics of jade, turquoise, gold, and other colored stones. These tend to get stolen rather quickly when ancient cities are first found.
Page prepared by Paula Giese.Text and graphics copyright 1995, 1996
Last updated: Friday, July 05, 1996 - 8:57:38 AM