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One purpose of these materials on Arvol's pages is obvious: it is to inform people about the World Peace Prayer Day, June 21, 1996, at Mato Tipila (Bear's Lodge aka Devil's Tower, Wyoming). There will be updates, and probably more statements from Arvol and perhaps others about the ceremony there, and about other ceremonies by indigenous peoples at other sacred sites. Another purpose is to provide historical and cultural materials for study by Native youth -- Lakota, Dakota, Nakota peoples, but surely this is of interest to all tribes. And it may be of some interst to non-Indian youth for multi-cultural education, as well. So this isn't a temporary section to be abandoned when the ceremony is over. Youth can continue to learn from these materials: the background, the history, the spirituality, and perhaps a bit about organizing such events, too. Margins have been made for all the pages -- I'm redesigning everything on this site to have margins -- both because it's visually easier to read and so teachers can print them for classroom handouts without margins jammed to the left of the paper, as Netscape's print function does. Permission is granted to print these materials locally, for local handouts, using computer printers and photocopying. The materials are, however, all copyright. Any larger or more professional kinds of printing will require permission (in writing) from me. If you plan to publish a book and include these materials, depending on the nature of the book, you will probably have to pay a fee for their use. I have no financial support for doing these pages, and have many computer hardware and software needs. I was extremely annoyed to see my little white buffalo graphic ripped off by an (I assume) white man for use on his own &White Buffalo" web pages. He carefully linked to a number of White Buffalo stories by what seemed to me to be mostly New Age, non-Indian sites, but did not rip off their content or graphics, and equally carefully, though he'd accessed my site to rip off the graphic, he neither asked permission to use it nor linked to these pages, presumably so I'd not find out he'd stolen something from here. Duster (the plagiarist) is right in the waschichu tradition, of course. So is another outfit called "Chautauqua" which just ripped off the whole former page about the World Peace and prayer ceremony, including my own recollection of Arvol's talk about the BigFoot Riders, and the moonlight honor dance at the Lower Sioux Wiping of Tears powwow last fall. They put their own names on it! I didn't see them there looking at the sky! I think this Duster and this Chautauqua would both claim to be "friends of Indians". Who claim they are somehow trying to help us. I say: How does it help to steal our stuff, put your own names on it and take the credit as if you had done the work yourselves? If you are not Indian, learn some traditional courtesy. Ask, or at least notify me if you are using these materials. There is a practical reason for it. Perhaps someday I might be able to get some financial support for this effort. I would really like to get enough money somewhere to buy a new monitor, replace a broken sound card (so I could maybe do some sound), get a decent cheap scanner, and PhotoShop software. I'd also like a little money for more long-distance phone calls to check facts, get permissions, and interview people. Now, I have to watch that very tightly. If I can say that materials from these pages have found educational uses, it might help get a small grant for this sometime. I have no way of knowing that unless you tell me (although admittedly I actually do have a certain tendency to find out those things, like Duster's and Chautauqua's plagiarism, sooner or later. I find out about the bad ones, but not the good ones, it seems.) A useful note about your uses of the material would include your name, school, and the class or grade or subject you used the material with, especially if your students liked or (you felt) learned something from it. That would be something I might show possible donors, if any should loom on the horizon, a rather unlikely event, and if not, it would at least make me feel this is worth doing, which I sometimes wonder about now; it does take a lot of time. On these pages -- all of them, the whole site -- you'll almost always find a CREDITS section at the bottom of each page. These don't just credit the artists or books and such I may have used. They give as full info as I can obtain for how to get the book or whatever, because if I found it useful, so may you, especially if you are a teacher or are generally interested in Native history, culture, or whatever it was about. It is partly the courtesy of giving credit where credit is due -- I would do this regardless of copyright provisions, and in fact do so for material that isn't copyrighted. But it's done in order to be as helpful a guide as possible to useful materials that can be obtained elsewhere, or contacts. So in doing your part, you might put this site's URL on any material you print out, because anyone you give it to, if they are interested in it at all, is likely to find a lot of other interesting material, from many tribes, many Native writers and artists, and on many topics, here. The purpose of Arvol's White Buffalo pages is the same as that of this site generally: to be a permanent educational resource for Native people and anyone who might be interested in whatever Native viewpoints and reported facts or artistic expressions are here, or on the many other Native sites linked-to for convenient access and organization. |
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CREDITS: The buffalo woman spirit cherishing some kind of light on the moonlit prairie is "Buffalo Woman", painted by Susan Seddon Boulet and scanned from her beautiful book of spiritual paintings, Shaman, Pomegranate Artbooks, San Francisco, c. 1989. The paintings were inspired by or inspired the selection of many sayings by Native people, which are included in this highly recommended beautiful book ($19.95). Pomegranate: 707/765-2005. Boulet is not a Native American. She was born in Brazil of British parents, schooled in Switzerland, and wound up in California. Her paintings are all on spiritual themes, not necessarily Indian. Pomegranate publishes an annual calendar that uses her paintings. Buffalo Woman was scanned and made into a 3" award button, given to students at Minneapolis Heart of the Earth AIM Survival School for school achievements in 1993-94. That bitmap was used for these images here.
Last updated: Tuesday, February 13, 1996 - 10:19:34 AM