Colville Reservation in Map of Washington State
Here is some relevant background material I've found on the web so far:
-- News story describes the mixed feelings of some Colville elders, receiving -- 50 years belated -- a government payment of about $5,000 in settlement of a legal claim for damages due to the dam's destruction of the salmon. No amount of money can compensate, the elders say. Some white 'friends' are quoted worrying about whether these elders "will squander the money," about enough for a used car nowadays. Story is last on the page of news for June, 1995; scroll down to it.
-- A Ceremony of Tears for the doomed salmon was held by Colville tribal people when the dam was closed, and the flooding began. This isn't mentioned in the book, and not much is said about it here either -- a tourist page on visiting Roosevelt Lake.
-- Federally-recognized tribes in Washington State Mostly just their names and contacts. There is a linkpage to one web history of the Cowlitz Tribe (they share the seacoast reservation of the Quinault Tribe, at Tahola, WA). Colvilles, whose book's reviewed here, have neither official tribal-sponsored nor unofficial (tribal member prepared) website at present.
-- AIHEC Tribal College News for Feb. 1995, Vol V, issue 2. This shows how Indian educators and students are focussing on environmental issues, resource management, and science, so that they, thmselves, can and will control the futures of their lands and waters; a couple of Colville programs are findable in this hard-to-read old text-based archive.
-- Grand Coulee Dam Homepage an engineering history, with many photos, of the dam. Indian people are not mentioned; nor are the salmon. Much technical background material here. Photos (JPEG) are very large, take a long time to load, apparently intended to be used for printing.
Mendocino 5th Grade Salmon Science Project Salmon were a way of life along the Pacific seacoast down through central California. Pomo (and other children) from California Mendocino school are doing a salmon study project that has a small amount of Native relevancy.
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Native American BOOKS, text and graphics copyright Paula Giese, 1996. except -- as here -- where elsewhere attributed.
CREDITS: The present map was found on a Washington State wweb tourist service the present Colville reservation boundary was added. The drawing of a waterfall spirit by Mohawk artist Weniserrio, appeared in Akwsasne Notes in 1976; I have no further info about this artist, who never drew anything else for Notes. I scanned the black and white drawing, traced it in FreeHand several years ago, and colored it for these web pages. The bad books warrior icon is part of a drawing in 1970 by John Fadden, Kahionhes, 6 Nations Mohawk artist. The major dam-drowing of the 6 Nations (Iroquois) Indian land was 10,000 acres of Allegany Seneca Reservation land and the traditional Seneca religion Cold Spring Longhouse, by Kinzua Dam, in 1965, in violation of the 1794 Pickering Treaty. Buffy St Marie sings of this.
Last Updated: Tuesday, November 26, 1996 - 5:13:09 AM