To Native Americans, there is little distinction between art and utility. Every creation has a function, whether ceremonial or for everyday use. Two hundred years ago, it was virtually unheard of to create something and place it somewhere just to look at occasionally. It is due to the money-based economy of the white culture that Native Americans now sell their art to others. In this first book in the "Rainbow Warrior Artists" series, five native artists are showcased: a yarn painter from the Huichol (Mexico) Tribe, a multi-media painter from the Spokane (Washington) tribe, a beader and doll maker from the Cayuga (New York) Nation, a flute maker from Taos (New Mexico) Pueblo, and a traditional dancer from the Chumash (California) tribe. Along with a history of each tribe, information on how they live, a portrait of the artist, and a discussion of the importance of their art, there are five activity pages, where children may create similar works. This highly colorful celebration is a delight. Highly recommended. Another book in the "Rainbow Warrior" series. --Stve Brock File: art2009
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Native American BOOKS, text and graphics copyright Paula Giese, 1996
Last Updated: Monday, October 28, 1996 - 4:07:17 AM